Westside Heights

About Us

The Westside Heights Neighborhood Emergency Team (WH NET) is centered on Forest Heights and includes adjacent neighborhoods. You don’t need to be a trained NET member in order to be part of our team. Our community needs everyone’s participation. Our goal is to have neighbors organize and prepare, and we’re here to help you do that.


  • Where: Forest Heights HOA Community room, 2065 NW Miller Rd (unless otherwise noted in agenda – see calendar below).
  • When: Every 1st Monday. Community Q&A Session from 6:30-7:00pm. Regular Meeting from 7:00-8:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend both.
  • What: The first 30 minutes are for introduction of new neighbors, question and answer, and general updates about the NET team. The second 90 minutes is usually a training session to further improve the skills of the NET members. Occasionally the team has a group discussion on a specific topic. To view our agenda, open the meeting event on our calendar below.

Other Ways to Get Involved

Not everyone is able to attend our meetings, but there are other ways to contribute to preparing our neighborhood. Organize your local area using Map Your Neighborhood, and consider volunteering for the City of Portland’s BEECN Program. This is an excellent way to participate without much time commitment.

Welcome Packet

Information to get started

Operations Plan

Post-disaster planning doc

Team Documents

View our Dropbox documents

Contact Westside Heights Team Leads

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