by Jun 14, 2018

NET amateur radio operators who want to be official NET AROs (Amateur Radio Operators!) need to be designated by their Team Leader and certified by NET ARO Radio Training Liaisons (RTLs).  A description of the ARO Standards and Certification process and information on how to find your RTL can all be found from the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) NET page for this purpose.  You will also find the most current version of the ARO Task List on those pages.

To be effective, the ARO candidate needs different kinds of resources during different phases of their training.  The NET ARO Radio Training Liaisons (RTLs), in coordination with PBEM, have organized these materials according to certain principles.  Some documents will be maintained on the PBEM web site.  These documents include those that represent stable practices or that contain rules and instructions for which PBEM is liable to the City.  Examples of these are the radio portions of Basic Net Guidelines and the standards for the ARO certification.  Other materials have content that will change rapidly or contain matter over which PBEM does not need to maintain control.  Those materials are maintained in the RTLs’ Google Drive folders for access by RTLs and AROs.

In the following RTL Google Drive folder > ARO Resources < you will find sub-folders where you can find helpful information on

  • Antennas
  • ARO Smartphone Apps
  • Manuals and Cheat Sheets
  • ICS and NET Forms
  • Chirp Templates and Programming Tips
  • Oregon Repeaters
  • Radio Procedures
  • Digital modes
  • And much more ….

Finally, there are radio nets and practice opportunities specifically designed for Portland NET amateur radio operators.  You do not need to be an official ARO to participate!  Below and links to other pages that describe these.