
PortlandPrepares Flyer

Help us get the word out about PortlandPrepares by posting these flyers in your neighborhood.

Water Purification Kit

A simple, low-cost aid for helping households save water (thanks to South Burlingame and Collins View NETs)

Business Survey

Use this questionnaire to get information from businesses and other organizations in your neighborhood about their level of preparedness and their hazards and resources.


Create awareness about your team and invite neighbors to join in the work you’re doing. NextDoor.com allows neighbors to communicate about anything relevant to the neighborhood, such as a recent break-in, a lost dog, plumber recommendations… or an upcoming NET meeting.


Help us spread the word about the PortlandPrepares Facebook Page, which allows NET members – and anyone else interested in emergency preparedness – to share ideas and questions.

Outreach Presentation Materials

NETs throughout Portland are giving presentations for their neighbors. Some have shared their materials. Feel free to use these documents. They are view-only, so if you want to edit them, you’ll need to copy them first.

If you have outreach resources you’d like to share with other NETs, please email them to us at ArborLodgePrepares@gmail.com.